JNW proudly support the McGrath Foundation
Time to scan for Emerging Risks
Directors and officers have a duty to address reasonably forseeable risks. They need to be satisfied that their risk framework, risk appetite and management reporting are appropriate for the circumstances. So what’s on the horizon that You need to consider? Data Privacy Act breaches – we know the impact that such breaches have had on […]
JNW Supports the Hawthorn Network
JNW is excited to be part of the Hawthorn Network. Managing Director, Jeff Webb, is an independent member of the HFC Governance, Risk, Integrity and Compliance Board Sub-committee and is always happy to assist businesses increase their strategic awareness of risks through these challenging times. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jeffreydwebb_member-spotlight-jnw-strategic-consulting-activity-7170999781446545408–BBv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Adelaide Football Club Financial Controls HealthCheck
It was a pleasure to conduct an independent review of select financial controls for the Adelaide Football Club (AFC). With cost pressures being driven by inflation, it is now more important than ever, to ensure you have strong controls over procurement, goods receipting, inventory management and accounts payable. If you need help determining whether your […]
Regulatory Compliance – Are you comfortable?
With recent high-profile compliance risk failures making headlines, businesses having to pay record fines, board chairs and CEOs being forced to resign, and reputations being damaged, resulting in reduced trust from customers and the community, Boards and Management are now very conscience on ensuring strong oversight controls over legislative requirements. JNW is seeing clients evolve […]
Strategic Mentoring – Helping Businesses Survive and Evolve
During COVID, I chose to become a mentor of the VCCI Business Recovery Resilience Mentoring Program. I wanted to assist struggling small businesses by offering strategic insights into how they could pivot and adjust to the significant risks and impediments place on them because of COVID lockdowns. I was also curious, having provided strategic and […]
Thanks para-athletes for displaying courage, trailblazing, perspective and leadership.
Mindset – are you in control? Hear what Ash Barty’s mindset coach Ben Crowe has to say…
No doubt all Aussies are proud of Ash Barty’s and Dylan Alcott’s Wimbledon achievements. As a strategic consultant, I am always curious to understand how great players/CEO’s manage their mindset to control external distractions and the internal voice inside their head, at critical decision moments. For those willing to invest 50 minutes, attached is an […]
8 Trends That Will Define 2021 – And Beyond
COVID is continuing to change business models and the way products and services are delivered. McKinsey has identified the following as the key transformers of tomorrow.
JNW a Silver Sponsor of the Hawks in Business
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