Strategic Planning

Do you regularly stress test your value proposition and delivery model so to avoid becoming a victim of disruption?

Warren Buffett says, “you only see who is swimming naked, when the tide goes out”.  Today, business models are rapidly transforming, staff are working from home, service delivery is going online, technology is changing consumer demands and new competitor disruptions are commonplace. 

Past customer value propositions and business strategies may become redundant at a pace unthinkable in the past.  Remember Kodak? 

So how are you anticipating disruption?

JNW can assist you pivot and refresh your vision and strategic objectives to ensure your business is agile, customer focused, with a clear purpose and value differentiation. We have worked with  numerous clients, facilitating strategic workshops, crafting financial models and developing transformational roadmaps for customer service centric operational delivery plans.

Our Strategic Planning Solutions are vision driven and designed to:

  1. Clarify your unique value proposition;
  2. Increase your customer focus;
  3. Scenario plan to turn uncertainty into opportunity;
  4. Build financial and operational confidence; and
  5. Show you what success looks like.

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Through strategic planning, implementing efficient governance structures and stress testing financial assumptions, you can navigate risks, take advantage of changing market conditions and execute your strategy.  Don’t wait and be caught naked.  Become the disruptor.

Specific Strategic Planning services include:

Strategic Planning HealthChecker

For more details on our Strategic Planning HealthChecker, please click on the “learn more” button below

Examples of who we work with and our broad strategic planning experiences

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry logo

Victorian Chamber of Commerce & Industry

  • Appointed to the Business Recovery and Resilience Mentor panel to assist businesses navigate the economic challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic disaster
  • Mentored numerous small businesses, covering strategic planning, cashflow modeling and recovery strategies. Businesses assisted covered real estate agents, events managers, sport coaching, medical suppliers, IT consultants and trades
RMIT University logo


  • Developed a strategic Market Opportunities paper as part of the University’s VET Growth Strategy. Included critical review and evaluation of offshore student opportunities and resulted in an International Market Penetration Strategy
  • Provided strategic input and financial modelling for a number of business cases for new online learning products
Renter Commodities logo image

RensTar Mining and Commodities Trading

  • Facilitated the development of this international fair trade copper mining start-up’s business plan, providing strategic advice on land claim certification, entity structure, international sales, asset acquisition and financing
  • Development of the financial model, including scenario analysis of key assumptions and cashflow and profit and loss forecasts to assist prioritise decisions based on financial impacts
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists logo image

Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

  • Supported Management with the development of their Board approved three-year financial budget.  Financial model enabled scenario analysis of fee increases, operating cost reductions and FTE, as well cashflow for strategic projects and capital works
Integral Insurance Services logo

Integral Insurance Services

  • Provide strategic board mentoring, covering business planning, vision setting, competitor analysis and acquisition transaction due diligence
Mortgage Achievers logo image

Mortgage Achievers

  • For this start up mortgage broker, created a Strategic RoadMap that covered vision, products, strategic objectives, market plan, key success factors, SWOT, risk assessment, business processes and cashflow forecast
  • For the business owner, developed a personal Strategic RoadMap diagnostically assessing whether the business’s long term goals were congruent with personal objectives

Frankston City Council

  • Created a “Service Planning Costing Methodology” in order for the council to determine the true cost of service delivery and to become more fully customer focused
  • For a major acquisition, developed a 10 year financial model that included a cashflow and profit & loss forecast with scenario functionality in order to quantify the operating risk
Western Water logo image

Western Water

  • As part of the governments “Fairer Water Bills” initiative to become more efficient, conducted a strategic financial assessment of Managements Efficiency Program and the projected ‘Savings Forecast Estimate’ underpinning each of the efficiency initiatives to ensure the identified savings were supported by adequate assumptions 
Surf Coast Shire logo image

Surf Coast Shire Council

  • Provided advice throughout the $50 million development of the new precinct, including business case assumptions, execution capability, financial model, risk and project reporting. The project was successfully delivered on time and on budget
Uecomm Powering Network Convergence logo image

Uecomm Ltd

  • Jeff managed the data verification and due diligence process for the $1b listing on the ASX of Uecomm Ltd (now a part of Optus), a national fibre-optic network telco
  • Post Uecomm’s listing, JNW assessed the viability of technologies such as ethernet, ADSL, wireless, VoIP, etc. and conducted due diligence on data centres, ISPs and e-business applications
  • Developed the businesses financial model covering each service/product, including projected revenues, expenditures and capital expenditure

JNW HealthCheck Request

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