Risk Management
Do you know what 'risks' could impact the achievement of your Strategic Objectives?
With forums such as the Hayne Royal Commission and COVID-19 raising the attention on risk management practices, it is now incumbent on Boards and Management to continue to enhance their risk management processes to add real value and insights.
JNW has significant experience with assisting organisations design simple, effective, sustainable risk management frameworks. Our “Six Step Better Practice Risk Process” methodology leverages better practice methodologies and is compliant with risk management standards such as ISO AS/NZS 31000, ASX Principle 7, APRA’s CPS 220 and ASIC’s RG 259.
In a world of constant change, complex business environments, increasing shareholder/stakeholder demands for good governance and regulatory requirements creating personal liability, JNW can help you better operationalise risk management, build a platform for a strong “risk culture” and elevate the prominence and capability of risk management in the organisation.
Specific Risk services include:
Risk HealthChecker
For more details on JNW’s Six Step Better Practice Risk Process methodology and our Risk HealthChecker, please click on the “learn more” button below
Examples of who we work with and our broad strategic risk experiences:
Bega Cheese Ltd (ASX listed food manufacturer)
- Post acquisition of the Lion drinks business, facilitated strategic risk workshops with the Executive. Outcomes were business unit operational risk registers, a next steps risk improvement roadmap and presentation to the Audit & Risk Committee
- Facilitated to development of the Risk Appetite Statement and refreshed the risk & resilience policy and procedure
City of Melbourne (CoM)
- JNW is a member of CoM’s Governance and Legal Services Panel
- Conducted a Health-Check of CoM’s Risk Management Framework, including risk strategy, risk appetite statement, risk policy and procedures and risk registers
Ridley Corporation Ltd (ASX Listed agricultural company)
- Provided advice on the Risk Oversight and Management Policy and Procedure to ensure it was clear with regards to roles, responsibilities, methodology and compliance with ASX Principle 7, for Board approval
- To aid Ridley’s risk maturity journey, developed a Risk Improvement Roadmap with a focus on Ridley’s strategic objectives
- Conducted individual business unit risk workshops and developed strategic business unit operational risk registers
- Continue to provide the Executive and Audit & Risk Committee with risk advice and internal audit support
Clifford Hallam Healthcare (CH2)
For this national pharmaceutical and medical consumables provider, refreshed the risk management policy to make it contemporary and relevant to the growing business
Faciltated risk assessment workshops covering warehousing, hospital logistics, data management, regulatory compliance, procurement, sales, finance, IT, quality assurance, OH&S, HR, marketing and product recall
Manningham City Council
- Developed a Risk Process Improvement Roadmap to create a new risk framework linked to the strategic objectives of the Council
- Facilitated executive and organisational wide risk management workshops that educated staff on the new approach, creating buy-in and change momentum
- Facilitated a Risk Appetite Discover Workshop with the Executive Management Team
- Developed a risk reporting process, including how to manage incidents, quarterly Directors sign-off on their operational risks, and reporting for the Risk Management Committee and Audit Committee
Nexus Mutual (Exxon Mobil’s staff bank)
- Assessment of the effectiveness of the existing risk framework and developed a Risk Improvement Roadmap to comply with Prudential Standard CPS 220
- Modernised the Risk Management Policy and Procedure with the risk methodology changed to become strategy based, ie. risks to the successful implementation of the strategic business goals
- Conducted Risk Identification and Risk Rating workshops for both strategic and operational objectives
- Provided strategic input into the choice of risk software for the risk registers as well as advice on the creation of risk dashboards and insight reports for management, executive and the ARC
Frankston City Council
- AS/NZS ISO 31000 benchmark review of the Risk Management Framework, the Risk Management Policy, Risk Appetite Statement and the Strategic Risk Register
- Facilitated an online survey of staff to seek their views on FCC’s risk management culture
- Developed a Risk Management Improvement Roadmap aimed at modernising the Risk Management methodology to ensure a simple and practical framework
Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
- Desk top review of the Risk Management Policy and Risk Management Procedure documents and benchmarked them against ISO 31000 and our library of better practices
- Evaluated risk monitoring and reporting, as well as the risk function ownership and business unit interaction
- Developed a risk improvement roadmap connecting risk to the strategic objectives and making the risk process more relevant for the business units
- Refreshed the Risk Management Policy and a Risk Management Framework Procedure
Procurement Australasia
Prepared their Risk Appetite Statement detailing the risk the Board is willing to accept in pursuit of its strategic objectives. Established risk tolerances and risk categories and held Director workshops to seek their views on their tolerance risk level. The risk appetite is now expressed on a simple Risk Appetite Table, providing clarity to Management on the Board’s expectations regarding the actions and resources required to address risk
Australian Institute of Project Management
- High level desktop assessment of the Risk Management Appetite Framework and risk register. Suggested recommendations were focused on simplifying the framework and methodology
- Facilitated a strategic Board risk assessment and Executive operational risk workshops
City of Ballarat
- For numerous business units, facilitated operational risk workshops. Some of these workshops were successfully conduct via online platforms