Recession Risk – Are You Prepared?

Recession Risk – Are You Prepared? With rising interest rates, supply chain and workforce issues and elevated inflation, operating costs are quickly and steeply increasing.  A recent paper by Goldman Sachs (see attached) suggests the current risk of recession is around 25%, but if the US enters recession, the odds rise above 50%. Do you […]

Time for Inspired Strategic Leadership

Time for Inspired Strategic Leadership We are currently living through a really tough time.  The pandemic is overwhelming.  People are silently suffering, the isolation restricting livelihoods and the sadness felt from the health impacts. Unfortunately our trust in leaders has been eroded by political self-interest, non-transparent decisions, poor behaviour and inconsistent populist actions. Society is […]

Mindset – are you in control? Hear what Ash Barty’s mindset coach Ben Crowe has to say…

No doubt all Aussies are proud of Ash Barty’s and Dylan Alcott’s Wimbledon achievements.  As a strategic consultant, I am always curious to understand how great players/CEO’s manage their mindset to control external distractions and the internal voice inside their head, at critical decision moments.  For those willing to invest 50 minutes, attached is an […]

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